We have a wealth of resources for parents and caregivers included in this section. Resources are listed alphabetically by resource topic.
Abuse (Physical/Mental/Sexual)
Background Checks for Childcare Givers
Books and Reading Resources
- Recommended Picture Books to Read Aloud to Preschoolers – Second Graders
- Concept Books and Nursery Rhymes from Babies to Toddlers
Breastfeeding/Nursing Help & Supplies
Brain Injuries
- Brain Injury Association of America: 800.443.6443 www.biausa.org
- Smiles Change Lives (SCL) – 888.900.3554 A national nonprofit organization that helps low-income kids get braces.
Car Seats/Child Passenger Safety
Death of a Parent, Child or Sibling
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Central VA Chapter
- JDRF Youth Pump Group: For kids on insulin pumps 804.378.0074
- American Diabetes Association
Disabilities and/or Chronic Illness
- Nat’l Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY): Online information about various disabilities and illnesses that affect youth. This website can also help with local resources. http://nichcy.org/
- Brave Kids: Online community for children w chronic illnesses or disabilities and their families (including siblings). Check out the searchable resources directory. www.bravekids.org
- Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation: Helps children with serious illness combat medical and emotional challenges. www.starlight.org
- Heart and Mind Therapy Services – Addressing the Needs of the Heart with the Brain in Mind. We are a group of professionals with different specialties and speak many languages of healing (play, art, music, and more). We have extra training in the areas of early trauma/neglect, adoption, developmental disorders, anxiety, life transitions and grief/depression. We offer individual, family and group therapy for all ages.
Drug and Medicine Databases & Information
- NIH National Library of Medicine: The world’s largest medical library. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
- DrugWatch.com: A comprehensive Web site featuring extensive information about thousands of different medications and drugs currently on the market or previously available worldwide. http://www.drugwatch.com/
Environmental Issues
- EPA National Lead Information Center: 800.424.5323 www.epa.gov/lead
- The Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning: www.leadsafe.org
- www.Leadlisting.com to find a state-certified lead removal contractor.
- National Pesticide Information Center: 800.858.7378
Haircuts for Kids
- Pigtails & Crewcuts -9726 Gayton Road,Richmond,VA23238 Phone: 804.741.1500
- Divas n’ Dudes -13273 Rittenhouse Drive, Midlothian, VA 23112 Phone: 804.608.8258
Health Resources
- www.Kidshealth.org providing doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence.
- National Health Information Center(NHIC): 800.336.4797 www.health.gov/nhic
- National Women’s Health Information Center: 800.994.9662 http://www.womenshealth.gov/
Hispanic Family Resources
- National Hispanic Family Health Helpline: 866.SUFAMILIA
- National Hispanic Prenatal Helpline: 800.504.7081
Identification Card for Kid’s
- Division of Motor Vehicles Children’s Identification Card – Serves as an identity document and be obtained at any DMV customer service center. If a child becomes missing DMV can retrieve the picture and transmit it to law enforcement anywhere in the US. There is a fee for the service.
- National Immunization Information Hotline: 800.232.4636
- Ortho On-Call – Orthopedic Urgent Care
Learning Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities Council: 804.748.5012
- Decoding Dyslexia Virginia (DDVA) is a grassroots movement driven by parents focused on providing awareness and support while serving as Virginia’s central source of information concerning dyslexia.
- The Nit Fairies: Treatment Center at 13615 Genito Rd, Suite 2B, Midlothian, VA 23112. A head lice removal service in Richmond,Virginia that provides confidential, safe, and effective lice removal services to you in the office or in the comfort of your home. The company consists of moms and medical professionals who have experienced these bugs firsthand.
- Virginia Lice Removal eliminates head lice problem with it’s effective, quick and safe all-natural treatment. Located at 1401 Huguenot Road, Ste. 202, Chesterfield, VA 23113 (Next to Chesterfield Town Centre). 804-337-3124 / 387-6509
Mental Health
- Memorial Child Guidance Clinic: 804.644.9590 www.mcgcva.org
- National Mental Health Association Resource Center: 800.969.6642 www1.nmha.org/infoctr/index.cfm
- Heart and Mind Therapy Services – Addressing the Needs of the Heart with the Brain in Mind. We are a group of professionals with different specialties and speak many languages of healing (play, art, music, and more). We have extra training in the areas of early trauma/neglect, adoption, developmental disorders, anxiety, life transitions and grief/depression. We offer individual, family and group therapy for all ages.
Mom (and Dad) Support Groups – Visit our Parent – Kid Groups section for more information.
- Richmond Area Mothers of Multiples (RAMOM) www.ramom.org
- Southside Area Mothers of Multiples (SAMOM)
- Virginia Commonwealth University’s Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry (MATR). The MATR is under the Office of Research at VCU and is a registry of twins and their families who are willing to consider taking part in health-related research studies.
Poison Control 1.800.222.1222
Sex Offender Databases
- State of Virginia Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry
- United States Department of Justice Sex Offender Public Website
- Family Watchdog
- Boy Scouts of America-Virginia Council: To learn more about Boy Scouts and find local chapters.
- Girl Scouts – To learn more about Girl Scouts and find local chapters.
Standards of Learning (SOL)
Special Needs/Learning Difficulties
- Special Need G.I.F.T.S. (Getting Involved with Families, Teachers & Schools): For Adults with children who have special needs or learning difficulties. 804.560.7172
- The Greater Richmond ARC: For caregivers of young children with developmental disabilities. 804.358.1874 ext 3229