For information on all the metro area football and cheerleading programs with links to all the local teams visit The Metropolitian Youth Football and Cheerleading League.
Chesterfield Quarterback League – A countywide youth football league for ages 6-14. Practice starts in August. Games will be played on Saturdays beginning in September at various parks and school sites. Register through your local athletic association. offers youth football options at various locations.
Upward Sports sponsored at many local churches.
For more information on Cheerleading options, visit our Cheerleading Classes page.
West End Lacrosse Club
Code Lacrosse
Next Level Lacrosse email
North Meets South Lacrosse
Thunder (Girls) Lacrosse
Rebels Lacrosse
Hanover County Lacrosse Club
Geronimo Lacrosse – West End
Militia Lacrosse – Hanover and Mechanicsville
Allied Lacrosse – Chesterfield
RISE Richmond Indoor Sports Experience Phone: 804.744.4600 – RISE offers lacrosse training.
Field Hockey
Allied Sports – Ages 5-19. Recreation league offers field hockey and lacrosse rec and travel teams. A ‘must-play’ rule is enforced for all rec teams. League is affiliated with USLA and USFHA.