Parenting Classes

For information on New Parent Education Classes click here.

COLLABORATIVE PARENTING OF RICHMOND  “Breathing Life Back Into You and Your Family”
Phone: 804.337.7651
CPR provides a range of services to parents and families in the Richmond and surrounding areas.  “Collaborative Parenting” refers to the collaboration, the team effort, of Parenting Educator and parents as an alternative, when suitable, to child psychotherapy.  By providing Parent classes and workshops designed to broaden the parent’s understanding of their child at each stage of development ; strengthen specific skills in the parent; and provide a deeper understanding of the child’s behavior, CPR  focuses on making PARENTS the powerful people and problem solvers in their children’s lives.  With the proper guidance and skill development parents can learn to resolve their child’s individual behavior problems, reduce conflict in the family and classroom and love being a parent once again.
•  Individual Sessions:  One hour individual sessions are offered  with content being based on the needs of the parents attending.  They also offer CO-Parent education and guidence designed to meet the needs of families during and after a separation and divorce.
•  Classes and Workshops:  Look on the website for a wide range of topics that classes and Saturday workshops target …Anything from post partum struggles to toilet training to drugs, sex and video games…and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, call them and tell them what you want offered. Many of the classes are free.
•  Speaking Engagements:   Also listed on our website are a few of the popular topics groups of all kinds have asked for. Whether you are a church group, A MOM’s group, a group of friends, a school, an organization of most any genre they can provide a fascinating speaking event  for your group. (Baby showers included!)

ATTUNED PARENTING: Pediatric Sleep and Parenting Consultation   804.836.2802
Attuned Parenting exists to restore hope and peace for tired families by providing tailored, evidence-based support on sleep and behavior and encouraging a deepening of the parent-child connection. Services offered are:
•  Pediatric Sleep Consulting:  To sleep train or not to sleep train?! That is a big question for parents. I am here to share the science behind attachment, cortisol levels, and how emotional availability at bedtime is the key to a child’s success in gaining confidence in sleep (and sleeping through the night)!
•  Parent Coaching:  It used to be said that, “Babies do no come with instruction manuals,” but the reality for our generation is that they come with a plethora of instruction manuals and the internet! We are inundated with information about children and parenting all the time! All of this information can create a great deal of self-doubt in our own innate ability to parent our children. My focus with parents is to help them develop their own parental identity and feel confident in how they interact with and nurture their children. When parents gain self-awareness and belief in themselves, parent/child interactions become enjoyable and successful.

Commonwealth Parenting’s mission is to build a stronger community by teaching proactive parenting skills to parents and caregivers in central Virginia through quality education, communication and support..  The type of services include:
• Child Observation/ Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
• Speakers Bureau
• Private Consultations
• Commonwealth Parenting’s Helpful Caregiver/Parenting Brochures

FAM (Families are Magic)
103 E Grace Street, Richmond, VA  23219  Phone: 804.257.7226
FAM is a diverse group of parents and parenting education professionals working together to ensure that parents in the Richmond community have access to the resources they need to raise happy, healthy families.  Children are a gift.  But they don’t come with instructions.  FAM was created to help parents deal with whatever challenges come their way, no matter how big or small.  Because when a family has the support it needs, families are magic.
•  Workshops
  Parenting Resources
•  Circle of Parents Group – sometimes it helps to meet other parents dealing with the same issues you are – from toilet training to teens expressing their independence.  There is no fee for this group.

5403 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226   Phone: 804.285.6500
The Weinstein JCC offers a variety of parenting classes.  Families are not required to be members to take advantage of classes.  Visit the website for more details and current schedules.

Children-R-First is a consulting company that caters to the needs of the early childhood community here in Richmond.  They specialize in school readiness workshops for parents and teachers.  They also provide tutoring for children ages 3-5.

P.O. Box 2043, Mechanicsville, Virginia, 23116  Phone:  804.393.0110
Jordan’s Quest is a pro-active parenting program dedicated to working with parents of children 0 to 18 years of age.  We teach parents how to be more pro-active in their parenting and less reactive when challenges arise.
•  Co-Parenting Classes offered to parents seeking custody, child support, visitation rights when a divorce or separation occurs…WE ARE MOBILE AND CAN COME TO YOUR HOME.
•  Staff In-Service Trainings for child care providers
•  Literacy Workshop/Program for parent groups
•  Parent Chats With Ms. Chanie…Opportunity for parents to ask parenting questions while shopping or checking out a book at the Library.
•  Parent Education Displays