Always check to confirm that you are adhering to the current year’s regulations on the use of safety car seats.
State of Virginia Resources:
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles – Guidelines for purchasing, installing and positioning of car seats.
Virginia Department of Health – A list of permanent Safety Seat Check Stations and One Day Events. Don’t forget to call ahead for an appointment.
Virginia Dept. of Health, Center for Injury and Violence Prevention 800.732.8333 – Child safety seat reference materials and handouts.
Federal Government Resources:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) – Provides information on child passenger safety, including car seat safety, Ease of Use ratings, and driveway backover accidents. – The NHTSA website that provides information on equipment (including car seats), crash test and rollover ratings, defects and recalls.
U.S. Department of Transportation/ NHTSA; Auto Safety Hotline 800.424.9393- For information on recalls/issue safety notices.
Other Resources:
The American Academy of Pediatrics – Car Safety Seats and General Transportation Safety for children ages 1 to 21.