Abuse of Drugs or Alcohol
- Families Anonymous: 804.262.0932
- The Substance Abuse & Addiction Recovery Alliance of Central VA (SAARA_CVA) 804.819.4078
Abuse (Physical/Mental/Sexual)
- Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now): 804.257.7226 SCAN is dedicated solely to the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect in the Greater Richmond area. SCAN facilitates a monthly training called Stewards of Children which educates adults about child sexual abuse and empowers them to take appropriate action to respond to existing or suspected abuse and to prevent child sexual abuse. For more information about any of SCAN’s programs or to register for the Stewards of Children training, contact SCAN at 804-257-7226 or go to www.grscan.com or www.FAMRichmond.org.
- Prevent Child Abuse America: 800.835.2671 www.preventchildabuse.org/index.shtml