Free Summer 2014 Reading Programs

There are so many different reading programs for kids this summer!  Listed below are details on those around town.

summer reading

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program
Kids Earn a FREE Book!
Here Is How:
1.  Read any 8 books and record them in the Reading Journal
2.  Bring the completed Reading Journal to your local B&N store.
Find a Store.
3.  Choose a FREE BOOK from the selection on the Reading Journal list at the store… Enjoy reading!

Henrico County Summer Reading Club
Kids earn an ice cream treat for signing up, then a prize from the science box for finishing.  And extra prize drawings for entering your reading online.

Chesterfield County Summer Reading Program
Win prizes for reading this summer!

Hanover County/Pamunkey Regional Library Summer Reading Program
Enter the weekly drawings for paperback prizes June 7th – Aug 16th.

Something different!

Sweet Spot’s Book Club Meeting.  The title to read is ‘The People in Pineapple Place’ by Anne Lindbergh.  The Book Club meeting will be late July (date announced soon!).  All ages are welcome and it is free.  Plus they always have a fun discussion and include some fun treats related to the book for the kids to try.

Please let us know if we missed one at