21st Annual Miracle of Christmas-Live at the Zoo is a reenactment of the Christmas story presented with zoo animals and set against a period appropriate backdrop with cast members recreating actual events that took place more than 2,000 years ago. Average annual attendance exceeds 10,000 people from the greater Richmond area.
The twenty-minute pageant is preceded by musical performances by local community, school, and church instrumental and vocal groups. Animals from the zoo, including camels, donkeys, sheep, and goats, are featured in the program and contribute to this unique and authentic experience.
Dates: December 20, 21, and 22
Times: Three shows each evening: 7:00, 7:45 and 8:30 pm
Place: The Metro Richmond Zoo is located at 8300 Beaver Bridge Road, Moseley, VA- behind
Grange Hall Elementary School off Hull Street Road in Chesterfield County, VA.
Cost: Free admission and parking. Refreshments will be sold at a nominal fee to benefit local
charities. A food drive for Chesterfield Food Bank will be held to support those in need.
For more information, call the Metro Richmond Zoo at (804) 739-5666, email
info@metrorichmondzoo.com, or visit the website at www.metrorichmondzoo.com/moc.