Registration is now open for Club SciKidz Virtual Video Game Design/Coding Camps and Camp in a Box!
Virtual Video Game Design Camp:

Go VIRTUAL with Club SciKidz gaming and coding camps!! It is a true substitute for the on-site camps. Kids will have fun 5 hrs every day for five days (Mon-Fri) with live zoom session with a counselor. This includes class fun game time/outdoor challenges as well.
Link for Virtual Summer Camp Schedule:

Thirteen exciting themes to choose from for grades Pre-K through 8th. Themes include experiments and projects in Biology, Chemistry, Oceanography, Space, Human and Veterinary Medicine, Robotics and Engineering. Boxes contains step-by-step instructions and materials for all the projects and experiments. A full set of supporting videos is provided, and can be accessed with a personal code. The camp in a box will be delivered directly to your house.
Link for Camp in a Box info:
Please visit our home page and explore Virtual camps and Camp in Box FAQs by clicking on the related tabs at the top menu bar.