Fire Prevention Week 2013 begins on Sunday, October 6th and ends on Saturday, October 12th. The National fire Prevention Association website is full of free safety tip sheets on a variety of fire and life safety topics for families. Take this opportunity to talk about some fire safety issues you may not have discussed with your family in recent years. In […]
Child Passenger Safety Week is Sept 15th – 21st
Child Passenger Safety Week is Sept 15th – 21st, 2013 and National Seat Check Saturday is Sept 21st Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old. Many times deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper use of car seats, boosters, and seat belts. Listed below are many […]
National Childhood Injury Prevention Week is Sept 1st-7th
National Childhood Injury Prevention Week is September 1st – 7th. Did you know? 20.6 million kids are injured each year! that’s 56, 000 kids a day! 22, 000 children die each year due to injuries 60, 000 are permanently disabled 90% of these injuries to young children occur at home! 10,600,000 doctor’s visits each year […]
Fun and Interactive Boost! Exhibit has Landed at the Science Museum
If you haven’t been to the Science Museum’s permanent exhibit, Boost!, then you are in for a real treat. It’s an exhibit that helps kids and adults understand more about their body and mind. The Science Museum makes it possible for you to track your personal progress at the Museum or online. Taking steps to […]
Eating Healthier: Eat This Instead
Summer is a great time to introduce kids to new foods – especially with all of the fresh fruits and vegetables growing right here in the Richmond area. Farmer’s markets, berry farms, and more are fun and educational. Instead of…. French fries Ice cream Fried chicken Doughnuts or pastries Chocolate-chip cookies Potato chips Sugary desserts […]
Backyard Farmers Make it Fun for Kids to Garden, Harvest, and Cook
School is out for many kids already – and the last days of school are almost here for those finishing up in June. It’s a great time for family fun – but don’t forget about the many ways you can teach kids health and fitness during the summer. Gardening in summer is a great way […]
Richmond’s Edible Education Leads the Way for the Food Revolution 2013
Many of you learned more about Edible Education and our Richmond Food Revolution Day which was held last month. Thanks to Jamie Oliver’s mission to change how kids eat in schools, they have both changed how kids and adults see food! Ann Butler is the owner and founder of Edible Education, and hands-on cooking school […]
The Growing Healthy Kids Symposium is June 19th: Register Early
Completely Kids Richmond is always interested in finding ways to help parents and others provide healthy, nutrition for kids and adults. We are so excited to share this opportunity with our readers! The Growing Healthy Kids Symposium is scheduled for June 19th, 2013 at the Science Museum of Virginia. Be sure and register early as […]