Smells delicious… What are you waiting for? This cooking summer camp provides a fun and dynamic hands-on educational experience for young chefs passionate about the culinary arts. Camp Chop offers 60+ summer camp activities and a state-of-the-art teaching kitchen for aspiring chefs to learn the basics of cooking, baking, and kitchen safety. Through exciting and original programming, campers will make lifelong friendships and summer memories they will never forget.

This ACA Accredited, challenge-by-choice camp is full of adventure. Camp CHOP is the premier residential summer camp that focuses on culinary arts and outdoor adventure for children ages 10-17. Sign up for one of six sessions ranging from 1-week to 2-weeks and experience the summer of a lifetime!

Located in Clover, Virginia, on 406 acres of rolling hills, Camp CHOP is the perfect place to unplug and connect with friends, nature, and ADVENTURE!