Romp n’ Roll is offering lots of free fun this month for the 5 and under crowd! Click the links below for more details!
September 10th
Fall Open House. 9am-Noon. All Richmond Romp n’ Roll Locations. Fit some fun into your fall! Check out Romp n’ Roll their Free Open House and learn about memberships and flexible class schedules! During the Fall Open House instructors will be leading super-fun activities in the gym, they will be giving away great raffle prizes, and the staff will be available to answer questions about classes and membership options! This event is FREE but space is limited so call 804-364-6363 to RSVP today or visit the website and click the link on each homepage: West End, Midlothian & Mechanicsville.
September 19th-24th
Baby Palooza. All Richmond Romp n’ Roll Locations. All children 18 months and under are invited to visit Romp n’ Roll for a FREE CLASS during Baby Palooza from September 19th to 24th! Spend some one-on-one time connecting and encouraging your baby! Through fun stories, songs and activities, our Babies Class will help your child reach developmental milestones during a special time that’s just for you. Click here for schedules for the West End, Midlothian, and Mechanicsville. September 19th-24th. Call 804-364-6363 to reserve your class. (Pre-registration is required!) Free.