Make a sweet caterpillar out of your child’s hand print! It is messy fun and a good idea to save for a really hot day or a long rainy day to make summer more fun!
What you need:
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow Finger Paint
Large piece of paper
Small tip paint brush
Black paint
How to make the Caterpillar:
1. Take your child’s hand and paint green finger paint on the palm of his or her hand. This is the body of the caterpillar. Then, paint his or her four fingers blue. This is the legs of the caterpillar.
2. Flip your child’s hand over and help press his or her hand down on the paper. It helps if the hand is placed towards the top of the paper. Do this several times until you’ve made your caterpillar body as long as you wish.
3. Wash your child’s hand off. Then paint the palm of his or her hand red and two fingers red.
4. Flip the paper over so the legs are facing down towards your child. Press the hand with red paint on top of the caterpillar to make the head.
5. Wash your child’s hand off again. Then paint the finger tip of your child’s hand yellow. This will be the eyes. Press them where you wish on the red head of the caterpillar.
6. Then with a fine tip paint brush, use black paint to create the center of the eye and the nose.