RVA Parents Forum Series is returning this Fall with a brand new line-up to address challenging parenting issues ranging from teaching healthy eating habits to understanding the middle school brain. The October through January classes will feature the following:
October 15th – 6:30 pm
“Raising Healthy Eaters in an Unhealthy World”
Dr. Melanie K. Bean, PhD
Director, Center for Healthy Lifestyles Center, Children’s Hospital of Richmond
Location: CMoR Central
November 19th – 6:30 pm
“Surviving the Transition to Adulthood: We Made it to 18 – Now What?”
Dr. Gerri Lotze, PhD
Associate Professor or Psychology, VCU
Location: TBD
January 21st – 6:30 pm
“Parenting Through Divorce”
Julie Cillo, Family Law Attorney
Owens & Owens
Location: TBD
Bring the parenting experts to you!
CP family educators are well-versed in a wide range of topics related to parenting, child development and behavior management.
They are available to speak to civic, school, business, community or faith-based organizations.
Visit them online for a list of topics.
Certificates of attendance are available for professional development.