During the three-day period from August 7th-9th, purchases of qualifying school supplies selling for $20 or less per item, and purchases of qualifying clothing and footwear selling for $100 or less per item will be exempt from sales tax. Retailers may also choose to absorb the tax on other items during the holiday period, but they are responsible for paying the tax on those items to the Department of Taxation.
During this three-day period, purchases of certain school supplies, clothing and footwear will be exempt from the Virginia sales tax. Each eligible school supply item must be priced at $20 or less, and each eligible article of clothing and footwear must be priced at $100 or less. Visit the Virginia Department of Taxation School Supplies and Clothing Holiday page for more details, a list of inclusions & exclusions and questions.
Listed below is an excerpt from the VA Dept of Taxation’s all-inclusive list of items that are included in the term “school supply” and exempt from tax during the sales tax holiday period (as long as the price is below $20).
• Binder pockets
• Binders
• Blackboard chalk
• Book bags
• Calculators
• Cellophane tape
• Clay and glazes
• Compasses
• Composition books
• Crayons
• Dictionaries and thesauruses
• Dividers
• Erasers (including dry erase marker erasers and dry erase marker
• cleaning solution)
• Folders: expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila
• Glue, paste, and paste sticks
• Highlighters
• Index card boxes
• Index cards
• Legal pads
• Lunch boxes
• Markers (including dry erase markers and dry erase marker kits)
• Musical instruments, musical instrument accessories, and replacement
items for musical instruments
• Notebooks
• Paintbrushes for artwork
• Paints (acrylic, tempera, and oil) • Paper: loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing
paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board and construction paper
• Pencil boxes and other school supply boxes
• Pencil sharpeners
• Pencils
• Pens
• Protractors
• Reference books
• Reference maps and globes
• Rulers
• Scissors
• Sheet music
• Sketch and drawing pads
• Textbooks
• Watercolors
• Workbooks; and
• Writing tablets
For a list of tax exempt items and exclusions, including clothing, computers and computer supplies, click here for the the Virginia Department of Taxation’s list for the full details for 2015.
We wish you happy shopping!!
The Completely Kids Team