8 Tips For the Entire Family
The holidays are a time for celebration, family and friends, and let’s face it: food. But the holidays should make us feel alive, with warmth and togetherness, not bloated, sick and cranky. Here are 8 tips to keep your family – and yourself – happy and healthy this season.
1) Make time for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Skipping meals can add to stress and it causes your energy to dip. Choose nutrient dense food to fuel your body. Good nutrition is very important. When you are well nourished, it allows you think more clearly and helps you make better choices throughout the day.
2) Eat before parties. I know, I know, why would you pass up free food?! But if you want to keep yourself in check when you are hungry and mingling over an unlimited buffet, eat a light meal before parties. You’ll feel better knowing you already had a healthy meal, plus you’ll be less likely to overeat.
3) Focus on healthy movement. EVERY DAY. It doesn’t have to be the gym or bootcamp or pilates. Just find something that works in your schedule and do it. Plan family outings that are festive and get everyone moving. Go ice skating, walk around the neighborhood to admire decorations, or play a family game of flag football.
4) Prevent illness. Nothing is worse than having a stomach bug on Christmas Eve with a 6 week old baby. Believe me, I know. The germs are starting to go around school so it’s time to be vigilant about hand washing. Maintaining good sleep habits and keeping yourself nourished with healthy foods will further bullet proof your immune system during the cold and flu season.
5) Manage your stress. This is one of those things that is easy to say, not so easy to do. When you feel stress creeping up, start by pin pointing the source of your stress. Talk about it with your spouse or friends and come up with strategies (nutrition, sleep, and healthy movement are great starting points) to manage it.
6) Help others. Volunteer, donate canned goods, or sponsor an angel tree. Helping others is proven to stave off depression and it just makes us feel good.
7) Treat yourself. Take a well-earned break. This season is all about giving, but also take time for yourself. Sleep an extra 10 minutes, get a manicure, or hire a babysitter for a kid-free afternoon.
8) Give in, a little bit. Yes, that’s right – we are telling you to give in to the holiday season. Decide which holiday treats mean the most to you and have them. Challenge yourself to indulge without overindulging. Slow down, sit down, and enjoy time at a table with friends and family. ‘Tis the Season!
This article was provided by Catie Cox and Miriam Bernhardt, Owners of MightyKids RVA, LLC. MightyKids RVA’s mission is to inspire kids to be active and make healthy choices everyday. We turn health and wellness education into a fun and active learning experience. We think every kid should have the skills to be Healthy, be Happy and be MIGHTY!™ Join us for a Winter Break Fitness Camp for Kids in grades 1-5. More information is available at www.mightykidsrva.com.