The 45-minute premier of “Affair with the James” will be shown on August 2nd, 2013 at 9pm.
Shot on an iPhone, “Affair with the James” is a year-long video project about the James River as it runs through Richmond, Virginia in the United States. Once a week for 52 weeks, from July 30, 2012 to July 30, 2013, Elli Morris has videoed something happening at the river. The premier is a compilation from each of the 52 weeks.
The premier will be shown at the south side of Mayo’s Bridge (which is 14th St.) at the flood wall in Diversity Park. It’s a nice grassy park with just a few benches. Bring chairs or blankets if you’d like for comfortable seating.
Please be aware that there are no facilities at the park – important to know if you have little children for sure!
Thinking of You Creations, which is a Virginia-based bakery, will have fabulous cookies for sale and movie snacks. Join the Facebook event and help spread the word. CK will see you there!
Read more about the project here.