Father’s Day is a very special time for Richmond families and who doesn’t love a great Father’s Day picnic, ballgame, or other activity? We’ve scoured around town to find some of the best places to enjoy the day with dad. Check them out below and let us know of others by sending an email to email@completelykidsrichmond.com.
June 14th
Romp n’ Roll is holding a special Dad’s Day event on Friday, June 14 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Your child will have the chance to make a very special keepsake gift for Dad and join in fun activities in the gym. The cost is only $10 per child or $20 per family (membership discounts apply).
June 16th
- Father’s Day Picnic with the Flying Squirrels. This is great way to celebrate the day and the whole family will have a ball. For just $60, two people get all-you-can-eat buffet at the Picnic Zone for 2 hours, two Diamond Club seats, first pitch between Dad and Child prior to game start, and a Flying Squirrels money clip for dad. They take care of everything so you can enjoy the day with Dad. Fee.
Richmond Philharmonic will perform a FREE family concert, An American Summer, in The Gardens at Sunday Park in Brandermill. 6pm. The music features music from George Gershwin, Cole Porter & other American icons, including tunes from West Side Story, Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, and Wicked; the “Overture to a Summer Night” by Carl Roskotte; & more. There’s limited seating available inside the pavilion, so bring blankets or lawn chairs for seating. The Gardens at Sunday Park in Brandermill are located at 4602 Millridge Parkway, Midlothian. Free.
- Game and Grill Set Giveaway. If you don’t go for the whole picnic at the Diamond, there’s something else. Go to the game and the first 1,500 gentlemen ages 15 and older receive a grill set! Kids Club Members eat free too. Game time is 2:05pm. Gates open at 12:35pm so go early! Fee.
- Father’s Day in the Garden. Fun with the family at Lewis Ginter is a great way to celebrate. Celebrate the man in your life with family fun, model boats, live music, and a tasty cookout (for purchase). Enjoy a free concert (included in Garden admission) by the Jangling Reinharts down at the Bloemendaal House where food will be available for purchase. The Richmond Model Yacht Club will also be on-site showing off different model boats on our lake. Food and beverage will be available in the Garden Cafe and Robins Tea House. Guests are welcome to bring blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy the concert but no outside food or beverage is permitted. Fee.
- Father’s Day at Poplar Forest. Treat your Father to a FREE tour of Poplar Forest this Father’s Day! A visit to Poplar Forest will deepen your understanding of Thomas Jefferson. It is at this getaway that he focused on his personal pursuit of happiness— and created a distinctly personal place. We invite you to explore the house and grounds at Thomas Jefferson’s retreat. Each year, visitors come to Poplar Forest to see the newest discoveries and latest restored features… as well as to sense Jefferson’s presence in the house and feel an emotional connection to the man, his ideas, his boundless energy, and his ingenuity. A short drive for lots of fun. Free.
- Father’s Day Weekend Special at Ripley’s in Williamsburg. Saturday, June 15th at 1pm they are celebrating World Juggler’s Day by hosting a FREE SHOW! Bring the whole family on Sunday, June 16th, and they’re letting Dad in FREE! Just buy one ticket and Dad gets in FREE!
- Father’s Day at Patrick Henry’s Scotchtown. Celebrating parent receives free admission when accompanied by his family. Free ice cream cones for all. Scotchtown is best known as the home of Patrick Henry during the tumultuous years leading up to the American Revolution. It was at Scotchtown that he formulated the ideas of his famous “Liberty or Death” speech and it was from the house that he rode to St. John’s Church in Richmond on March 23, 1775 to deliver it.
- Ice Cream Social. Who doesn’t enjoy ice cream – and especially when it’s free? Treat Dad to delicious Bruster’s ice cream while the whole family listens to the light music and popular tunes of the Hanover Concert Band. Spend the afternoon touring historic Walkerton Tavern, making homemade ice cream, and playing your favorite backyard games. Information: 501-5808. Free.
- Reenactment at St. John’s Church. If dad is a history buff, he’ll enjoy the “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” reenactment at St. John’s Church. The event is free with a suggested donation of just $5 per person. Explore historic downtown Richmond afterwards!
- 2013 Virginia Blues & Jazz Festival. If dad enjoys jazz, he’s in for a treat. The festival is all weekend – June 14-16, 2013. On Father’s Day, enjoy a Jazz Brunch. It’s rain or shine! This one is a short drive to Warm Springs but will be worth it!
- Robots + Us. What better way to spend the day than a visit to the Science Museum of Virginia? You can enjoy the interactive Robots + Us exhibit, take in Flight of the Butterflies, or visit the other exhibits. It’s a great place for dads and kids! Fee.
- Dining with my Father. Watchmen Men’s Fellowship of Restoration Fellowship Christian Center are hosting “Dining with my Father” for Father’s Day. Click for information and registration.
- VCU Summer Shows. Head to VCU for a free event and celebrate Father’s Day at the Anderson Gallery. Free.
- Williamsburg KOA Camping. On this special weekend ALL KIDS STAY FREE! Fathers will receive a “Stay one night, get one night free” certificate valid for the off-season. Let Dad know how special he is. Tie-dye a shirt ($5/shirt) for him or make a card. Activities will include a pancake breakfast, movie and a chapel service in honor of Dad. Fee.